November 27, 2007

Another Year Older...

So my birthday came and went - #42. I don't feel any different. Are you supposed to feel any different when putting another notch in that getting older belt? I dunno, maybe when I hit 50 I'll feel differently. No one believes I'm older than mid-thirties, so I should take it as a good sign I'm aging well. I do miss being carded at bars, I used to get that up until I hit around 33-34. But my hair was longer and I was about 10 pounds lighter then. *sigh*

For numero 42 I spent most of the day curled up on the couch, sick to my stomach, watching the episodes of Dexter I had missed over the last couple of weeks. No birthday dinner for me, except scrambled eggs and wheat toast. Happy birthday to me.....


quin browne said...

happy birthday, my interweb friend.

i wish i could watch dexter.

he's so much hotter than he was on six feet under, isn't he?

OreIda said...

Thank you, kind lady, for the bday happys.

Dexter is definitely MUCH hotter than his Six Feet Under days.

In honor of my liking the show so much, I've now taken to reading the series of books by Jeff Lindsay.